
blog-patterns In this blog post, we will explore two essential architectural patterns used in the development of the Thai Word Game: the Repository Pattern and the Container/Presentation Pattern. These patterns provide structure, organization, and maintainability to our project, enabling us to separate concerns and promote code reuse. By implementing these patterns, we can create a scalable and maintainable application with clear separation between data access, logic, and user interface components.

Understanding the Repository Pattern:

The Repository Pattern is a design pattern that provides an abstraction layer between the application and the data layer. It helps in managing data access and provides a consistent interface for interacting with data regardless of the underlying data structure. This is how I implemented a Word Data Repository using TypeScript and async/await:

// types/WordData.ts
interface WordData {
  id: number;
  img_url: string;
  audio_url: string;
  word: string;
  categories: string;

export default WordData;

// repositories/WordDataRepository.ts
import { getAllWords } from "../apiCall/apiCall";
import WordData from "../types/WordData";

class WordDataRepository {
  public async getAll(): Promise<WordData[]> {
    try {
      const data = await getAllWords();
      return data;
    } catch (error) {
      throw new Error("Failed to fetch word data.");

export default WordDataRepository;

In the above example, we define the WordData interface in the types/WordData.ts file. This interface represents the structure of a single word data object.

The WordDataRepository class in the repositories/WordDataRepository.ts file encapsulates the logic for fetching word data. The getAll method makes an async call to the getAllWords function from the apiCall module. It handles the asynchronous nature of the operation using the async/await syntax and returns a promise that resolves to an array of WordData objects.

Testing WordDataRepository

To test the repository layer, you can create mock data or use a test-specific data source. By mocking the data, you can simulate different scenarios and verify that the repository behaves as expected. Here’s an example of a unit test for the getAll method:

import WordDataRepository from "../repositories/WordDataRepository";

describe("WordDataRepository", () => {
  it("should fetch all word data", async () => {
    // Mock the data retrieval function
    const mockGetAllWords = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue([
        id: 1,
        img_url: "",
        audio_url: "",
        word: "Hello",
        categories: "Greeting",
        id: 2,
        img_url: "",
        audio_url: "",
        word: "Food",
        categories: "Category1",

    // Create an instance of the repository with the mock function
    const wordDataRepository = new WordDataRepository(mockGetAllWords);

    // Call the getAll method
    const result = await wordDataRepository.getAll();

    // Assert that the mock function was called and returned the expected data

In this test example, we use Jest as the testing framework. We create a mock function mockGetAllWords that returns a predefined array of word data objects. We then instantiate the WordDataRepository with this mock function and call the getAll method. Finally, we assert that the mock function was called and that the returned data matches our expectations.

By testing the repository layer and mocking data, we can ensure that the data access logic is functioning correctly and independently from the actual data source.

Benefit of using Repository Pattern

Understanding The Container/Presentation Pattern:

The Container/Presentation Pattern, also known as the Smart vs. Dumb components or the Container vs. Presentational components, is a pattern that separates the concerns of data management and UI rendering in a component-based architecture. Container components (smart components) handle the logic, data fetching, and state management, while presentation components (dumb components) focus on rendering the UI based on the provided props.

Container components:

// containers/WordBtnContainer.tsx
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { WordData } from "../types";
import { getWordById } from "../apiCall/apiCall";
import WordBtn from "../components/WordBtn";

interface WordBtnContainerProps {
  id: number;

const WordBtnContainer: React.FC<WordBtnContainerProps> = ({ id }) => {
  const [wordData, setWordData] = useState<WordData | null>(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    const fetchWordData = async () => {
      try {
        const data = await getWordById(id);
      } catch (error) {
        // Handle error

  }, [id]);

  return <WordBtn wordData={wordData} />;

export default WordBtnContainer;

// components/WordBtn.tsx
import React from "react";
import { WordData } from "../types";

interface WordBtnProps {
  wordData: WordData | null;

const WordBtn: React.FC<WordBtnProps> = ({ wordData }) => {
  if (!wordData) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>;

  return (
      <img src={wordData.img_url} alt={wordData.word} />

export default WordBtn;

In this code, we have separated the logic and rendering concerns. The WordBtnContainer is responsible for fetching the word data and managing the state using useState and useEffect hooks. It passes the fetched wordData as a prop to the WordBtn presentation component.

The WordBtn component receives the wordData prop and renders the UI based on the provided data. It handles the case when the data is still loading by displaying a loading message.

Benefit of using Container/Presentation Pattern

Following the Container/Presentation Pattern brings clear separation of concerns, improves code organization, and promotes reusability. It also allows for easier testing and maintenance of the components.

Here’s an example directory structure that incorporates the Repository Pattern and Container/Presentation Pattern:

├── src
│   ├── apiCall
│   │   └── apiCall.ts            # API call functions
│   ├── components
│   │   ├── containers            # Container components
│   │   │   ├── NavBarContainer.tsx
│   │   │   └── WordBtnContainer.tsx
│   │   └── presentation          # Presentation components
│   │       ├── NavBar.tsx
│   │       └── WordBtn.tsx
│   ├── repository
│   │   └── wordRepo.ts           # WordDataRepository class
│   ├── types
│   │   └── WordData.ts           # Type definition for WordData
│   ├── App.tsx                   # Main application component
│   ├── index.tsx                 # Entry point of the application
│   └── ...                       # Other application files and folders
├── public
│   ├── index.html                # HTML template
│   └── ...                       # Other static files
├── package.json                  # Project dependencies and scripts
├── tsconfig.json                 # TypeScript configuration
└── ...                           # Other configuration files


By implementing the Repository Pattern and Container/Presentation Pattern, we’ve achieved a robust and maintainable architecture for the Thai Word Game project. The Repository Pattern separates data access logic from the rest of the application, while the Container/Presentation Pattern promotes separation of concerns between data management and UI components. Together, these patterns enhance code organization, reusability, and testability. Adopting these patterns in your own projects can lead to cleaner, more scalable, and maintainable code bases.